












  1. 人社部委托项目“完善医保经办管理体系研究”,2017年。

  2. 财政部委托项目“我国医疗保障体系可持续性研究”,2017年。

  3. 浙江省“十三五”医疗保障体系与机制改革研究,2016年。

  4. 浙江省医疗保险监管研究,2015年。

  5. 中国医疗保险研究会“基本医疗保险缴费年限政策研究”,2015年。

  6. 国家科技支撑计划课题“劳动者全生命周期的就业信息服务系统及应用示范”,2015年。

  7. 浙江省人力资源和社会保障厅“浙江省级公立医院改革对医疗保险基金支出的影响研究”,2014年。

  8. 浙江省城乡居民大病保险政策研究,2014年。

  9. 中国社会科学院“失能老人长期护理保险调研项目”,2014年。

  10. 民政部“社会救助基层服务能力建设研究”,2014年。

  11. 国家自然科学基金项目“老年护理保障需求、成本与筹资机制研究 ”(71273228),2014年。



  1. H. Li and J. Zhang, Human Capital Investment and Returns in China, Peking University Press, March 2008.


  1. R. Guo and J. Zhang, 'The Effects of Children's Gender Composition on Filial Piety and Old-Age Support,' forthcoming in Economic Journal.

  2. Y. Fan, J. Yi, and J. Zhang, 'Rising Intergenerational Income Persistence in China,' forthcoming in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.

  3. H. Zhang, J. Zhang, and Y. Zhang, 'Do tournament incentives matter in academics? Evidence from personnel data in a top-tier university in China,' Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, (2019) 166: 84-106.

  4. C. Wang, C. Zhang, J. Ni, H. Zhang, and J. Zhang, 'Family migration in China: Do migrant children affect parental settlement intention?' Journal of Comparative Economics, (2019) 47: 416-428.

  5. J. Han, W. Suen, and J. Zhang, 'Picking Up the Losses: The Impact of the Cultural Revolution on Human Capital Reinvestment in Urban China,' Journal of Human Capital, (2019) 13: 56-94.

  6. X. Wang and J. Zhang, 'Beyond the Quantity-Quality Tradeoff: Population Control Policy and Human Capital Investment,' Journal of Development Economics, (2018) 135: 222-234.

  7. R. Guo, H. Li, J. Yi, and J. Zhang, 'Fertility, Household Structure, and Parental Labor Supply: Evidence from China,' Journal of Comparative Economics, (2018) 46: 145-156.

  8. S. Ge, D. Yang, and J. Zhang, 'Population Policies, Demographic Structural Changes, and the Chinese Household Saving Puzzle,' European Economic Review, (2018) 101: 181-209.

  9. S. Chew, J. Yi, J. Zhang and S. Zhong, 'Risk Aversion and Son Preference: Experimental Evidence from Chinese Twin Parents,' Management Science, (2018) 64: 3896-3910.

  10. Y. Weiss, J. Yi and J. Zhang, 'Cross-border Marriage Costs and Marriage Behavior: Theory and Evidence,' International Economic Review, (2018) 59(2): 757-784.

  11. Y. Fan, J. Yi, Y. Yuan, and J. Zhang, 'The Glorified Mothers of Sons: Evidence from Child Sex Composition and Parental Time Allocation in Rural China,' Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, (2018) 145: 249-260.


  1. David Ong, Yu (Alan) Yang, and Junsen Zhang, 'Hard to get: The scarcity of women and the competition for high-income men in urban China,' November 16 2018.