主讲:陈祎 副教授(上海科技大学创业与管理学院)
主题:Evaluating the Effects of a Massive Rural Education Expansion in Pre-reform China
【内容摘要】On the eve of its economic reforms, China achieved a much higher level of secondary education than other countries with a similar per capita income at the time. This study investigates the pre-reform formation of China's human capital by examining a massive rural education expansion program during the Cultural Revolution that increased the number of secondary schools more than tenfold. We estimate the impact of the expansion by compiling a new county-level data from local gazetteers and exploiting the county-level variation in the speed of expansion for the identification purpose. We provide strong evidence that the program significantly improved rural children's educational attainment, and suggestive evidence that teachers contributed more to this improvement than schools. By building a pool of middle-skilled labor years later, the education expansion program boosted local agricultural yields and increased the productivity of the township and village enterprises that emerged after the reform. There is some evidence that this rapid expansion was associated with a deterioration in education quality.
陈祎,上海科技大学创业与管理学院副教授。主要研究领域为劳动经济学、人口经济学、发展经济学,在人力资本、计划生育、性别差异等问题上有系统性的研究。其研究成果见于American Economic Review, Journal of Development Economics, International Economic Review等国际知名期刊。现担任Journal of Population Economics副主编。